Napoli, 18 November 2021, on the occasion of the official inauguration of the new Consulate of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Naples, the Italy Vietnam Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Vietnam Embassy, the Commercial Office of the Embassy and the Consulate organized the seminar to present Vietnam and economic and commercial opportunities between Campania and Vietnam at Grand Hotel Santa Lucia, via Partenope, 46.
The event was aimed at promoting internationalization and offering insights and information for various business opportunities between Italy and Vietnam.

The event was opened by the institutional greetings of the Ambassador of Vietnam to Italy, Nguyen Thi Bich Hue; the Deputy Vice President of the Naples Chamber of Commerce, Fabrizio Luongo; President of the Italy-Vietnam Chamber of Commerce (CCIV), Fulvio Albano; President of Confprofessioni Campania, Francesco Mazzella; President of the ANC of Naples, Gerardo De Dilectis.
The seminar was also contributed by other speakers as the Honorary Consul Silvio Vecchione; the Commercial Advisor of the Embassy of Vietnam, Nguyen Duc Thanh; Pietro Masina, Professor of South East Asian history and institutions at the Oriental University of Naples; the Vice President of CCIV, Federico Vasoli; the Head of the Vietnam Desk of Unioncamere Emila Romagna, Maily Anna Maria Nguyen; the General Secretary of CCIV, Walter Cavrenghi, and other company representatives.

Complete video here